Mid-Size SUV
INTERIOR Full Detail
Full interior blow out with compressed air; Interior windows and windshield; Clean cup holders, dash, console, and door panels; UV protect dash and console; Shampoo all carpet and mats or treat rubber mats; Leather cleaned, treated, and conditioned; Clean door jams and sills; Full Vacuum (including rear or trunk)
$150 (1.5 hours)
EXTERIOR Full Detail
Foam cannon hand wash; Grill bug removal; Spot free rinse; Hand towel dry; Tire rims, barrels, and wheel wells cleaned; Gas tank hatch cleaned; Trim UV protected; Undercarriage cleaned; Clay bar spot treatment; Spray ceramic wax
$150 (1.5 hours)
Full Detail (Interior + Exterior)
All services included in Full Interior Detail and Full Exterior Detail
$275 (3 hours)
Deluxe Detail
Full Interior and Exterior Plus +++ Interior: Deep clean cup holders, dash, console, doors and seats with precise detailing hand brushes; Full shampoo and exactment treatment on all cloth, including carpets, mats, cloth seats, and headliner with hot water extracting system. Exterior: Full decontamination (iron removal) wash; Deep clean exterior lines and crevices with precise detailing hand brushes; Ceramic spray coating applied
$425 (4.5 hours)
Monthly Maintenance
Love how it looks?! KEEP IT UP. After you have had your vehicle fully detailed, sign up for our monthly maintenance service to keep it looking great.